Ella-luv-bugs lost her first tooth today and boy is she sad. Just look at her trying to be a brave girl on the first picture. Ella has always had a tiff about things feeling weird. The undies have to fit just right, her shirt sleeves can't "bug" on her arms, she won't wear jeans because they're too confining, her pants have to sit right on her hip line or else, her sock line has to be perfectly over her toes and that's if she'll put socks on, her ponytial cannot be tight... "it's too tight", as she tugs away at the ten minute up-do I so skillfully tried to make NOT tight... it just goes on and on and on. She's been like this ever since she could talk. Needless to say everyday is an episode of DRAMA!
We've tried to get her into snow skiing but do you think she'd get dressed in all the garb? It's an all out war, it's just not worth the headache.
So today as I pulled out her precious, dangling tooth. She cried for over an hour until she fell asleep because it felt "weird". But hell, I'll keep her, yes I will!
We've tried to get her into snow skiing but do you think she'd get dressed in all the garb? It's an all out war, it's just not worth the headache.
So today as I pulled out her precious, dangling tooth. She cried for over an hour until she fell asleep because it felt "weird". But hell, I'll keep her, yes I will!