I've been patiently waiting to show you these adorable pics that Katie and Dan from peekaboo photography took of Beck for the new spring Naartjie catalog. Beck is the PERFECT Naartjie baby if I do say so myself! When we did these, it was the time of Becks birthday so Whoo-hoo for his 1 year pics, he has a bugger of a time looking at his mom for pictures, this whole thing worked out perfect! Ella was also invited to join in the catalog and looks so freakin cute, get your hands on one if you can!

Becks 12 Month Stats
Weight: 24 lbs
Height: 30 inches
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Favorite Foods: Grapes, Apples, Scrambled Eggs, PB&J, Green Beans, Avocados, Mexican rice and refried beans (a man after my own heart), & Pasta with red sauce
Favorite things: BALLOONS (he is obsessed), Anything that resembles a sword, any kind of ball, being held, music, dancing, watching sports with dad, & baths
Hated things: Baby Food, getting his diaper changed, getting dressed, shoes, Claires over-bearingness, & sleeping through the night
Talents: Snuggling, walking, charming the masses, telling Dad all about his day when he comes home from work (He even has my hand movements down), sleeping with golf balls in both hands and never letting go, chewing gum, being just perfect.