Thursday, July 26, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The ABC's of Kate
A - Attached or Single: Attached. Married to the MOB (Mark O. Benson)
B - Best Friend: Emily, and even with her, I'm not a very good friend. I dont' put forth the effort like she does. My focus is really on my husband and kids but when I do the "friend" thing, it feels so darn good.
C - Cake or Pie: Pie. Berry. Cold.
D - Drink of Choice: If I had it my way with out loading up on empty calories and rotting the teeth out of my head? Mountain Dew. So I guess I'll say water, but it has to be bottled.
E - Essential Item: My camera, my computer and lip gloss
F - Favorite Color: Turquoise
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: Chocolate covered cinnamon bears
H - Hometown: Orem, UT
I – Indulgence(s): Going to bed way too late and sleeping in, fug, pink, watermelon bubblicious.
J - January or July: July, I HATE being cold, although I love to snow ski. Give me July with all it's red, white and blue glory!
K - Kids: Got 'em, two infact... seriously debating on a third *(I'd like it to be a boy Martha)
L - Life is incomplete without: Books, music, kissing, vacations and baby bums
M - Marriage Date: July 25, 1997. Ten Years baby.
N - Number of Siblings: 2 Older brothers, and 1 older sister.
O - Oranges or Apples: It's a toss
P - Phobias/Fears: Stairs in a newly framed house, ladders, heights, spiders, getting older, confrontation.
Q - Favorite Quote: "What goes around, comes around"
R - Reason to smile: My family, gardens, good food, friends, summer slushies, flip flops, summer skirts, jewelry, a suprise package in the mail.
S - Season: It used to be Fall with the perfect blue sky and crisp air, but it doesn't last long enough and then it's bluesy winter... yuck! Now my season is Spring, yummy, yummy Spring.
T- Tag Three: I tag Emily, Martha and Shannon
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I dislike and can even say HATE anything on my hands, needless to say, I have a hard time cooking... I go through a tremendous amount of paper towels.
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: mmmmmm... steeeaaakkkk...
W - Worst Habit: Swearing, picking my lips and the sides of my thumbs, procrastinating.
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasound. Wow.
Y - Your Favorite Foods: Mozzarella alla caprese, fish tacos, Crab legs, big green salads, all summer vegetables, sushi, peaches.
Z- Zodiac: Dragon.
B - Best Friend: Emily, and even with her, I'm not a very good friend. I dont' put forth the effort like she does. My focus is really on my husband and kids but when I do the "friend" thing, it feels so darn good.
C - Cake or Pie: Pie. Berry. Cold.
D - Drink of Choice: If I had it my way with out loading up on empty calories and rotting the teeth out of my head? Mountain Dew. So I guess I'll say water, but it has to be bottled.
E - Essential Item: My camera, my computer and lip gloss
F - Favorite Color: Turquoise
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: Chocolate covered cinnamon bears
H - Hometown: Orem, UT
I – Indulgence(s): Going to bed way too late and sleeping in, fug, pink, watermelon bubblicious.
J - January or July: July, I HATE being cold, although I love to snow ski. Give me July with all it's red, white and blue glory!
K - Kids: Got 'em, two infact... seriously debating on a third *(I'd like it to be a boy Martha)
L - Life is incomplete without: Books, music, kissing, vacations and baby bums
M - Marriage Date: July 25, 1997. Ten Years baby.
N - Number of Siblings: 2 Older brothers, and 1 older sister.
O - Oranges or Apples: It's a toss
P - Phobias/Fears: Stairs in a newly framed house, ladders, heights, spiders, getting older, confrontation.
Q - Favorite Quote: "What goes around, comes around"
R - Reason to smile: My family, gardens, good food, friends, summer slushies, flip flops, summer skirts, jewelry, a suprise package in the mail.
S - Season: It used to be Fall with the perfect blue sky and crisp air, but it doesn't last long enough and then it's bluesy winter... yuck! Now my season is Spring, yummy, yummy Spring.
T- Tag Three: I tag Emily, Martha and Shannon
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I dislike and can even say HATE anything on my hands, needless to say, I have a hard time cooking... I go through a tremendous amount of paper towels.
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: mmmmmm... steeeaaakkkk...
W - Worst Habit: Swearing, picking my lips and the sides of my thumbs, procrastinating.
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasound. Wow.
Y - Your Favorite Foods: Mozzarella alla caprese, fish tacos, Crab legs, big green salads, all summer vegetables, sushi, peaches.
Z- Zodiac: Dragon.
Friday, July 13, 2007
WOW what a wedding! Renee called me as a referal from my husbands co-worker Johnnie. She and Greg live in Virginia (Greg works as a Lobbyist). They are both originally from California but met in Europe while attending a Charity Gala... Greg was smitten at the first glance of Renee. Once they started talking they found out their interests were more than compatible, basically they were perfect for eachother, and they are!
It was three days of shooting everything from the guys golfing to the morning after ;-) My partner in crime Rebekah second shot with me, thankfully as there were sooooo many thing to photograph. California has such beautiful light... it's warm and hazy and produces yummy rays of goodness. I have so many photos from this wedding I had a hard time narrowing it down just a few. And if you go to Rebekah's blog, don't believe anything she said *wink wink*
It was three days of shooting everything from the guys golfing to the morning after ;-) My partner in crime Rebekah second shot with me, thankfully as there were sooooo many thing to photograph. California has such beautiful light... it's warm and hazy and produces yummy rays of goodness. I have so many photos from this wedding I had a hard time narrowing it down just a few. And if you go to Rebekah's blog, don't believe anything she said *wink wink*

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Oh What Fun...

One of my dearest friends Emily came from St. Louis to Utah with her husband Joe for a few days to visit friends and family. I was fortunate enough to get her for a couple of hours to play catch-up and take silly photos (she's the only one with whom I do this regularly with, 'cause, well, we love to take pics of oursleves, and really, she's the only one that will turn the camera on me *wink*). I'll be sure to post up our old ones, if I ever get them scanned into the comp (oh those film days). Anyway, I love you Em, you're always such a joy to be around! Also, thanks for clicking the new, lovely "about me" pic!
So on another note... I found this little game on another admirable photographers web-site and loved it! and I quote:
"Here's how it works if you want to play: Ask 1 question in the comments section you would like me to answer. That's it! I will pick the first 20 or so...and I prefer not fielding questions having to do with the photography biz i.e. What camera do you shoot with (although I think you can find that somewhere in the blog)? You can really ask just about anything and I will attempt to answer it honestly and truthfully. I just want you guys to get to know me better...so while I'm playing catch up in the darkroom, ask away!"
Don't be shy, ask a question... I'm excited to play!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A huge Congrats to Kelly and Erin! These should have been posted last week but I am busy, busy, busy so better late then never eh? These two were married on a beautiful mountain in Midway, Utah (Midway being another fav place in Utah... I'm in love with Wasatch County). Their wedding was intimate, sweet and simple with just friends and family... it was beautiful. I have to tell you about their taste in music... F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! I don't find many people with my exact music tastes but these guys have it, so all I can say is they're brilliant!

His Cute mom!

I think this little one is possibly the cutest girl ever!

Friday, July 06, 2007
First off, Happy belated Fourth of July! I hope everyone had an exceptional holiday this year... Here's a BIG shout out to our service men and women who fight everyday for our Country... THANK YOU!!!!
I'm going to San Diego to cover a wedding so if you need to get a hold of me, call or e-mail me on Monday. Have a double-E double-R double-R double-I double-F double-I double-C, C, C week-end!
I'm going to San Diego to cover a wedding so if you need to get a hold of me, call or e-mail me on Monday. Have a double-E double-R double-R double-I double-F double-I double-C, C, C week-end!

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