Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy 2009

What! 2008 is over? Wow, that went FAST, didn't it? I hope everyone made through this past year alright, it was kind of a crazy year to say the least.
I've been thinking and pondering quite a bit about New Years resolutions and have been reading peoples extreme goals for this coming year, good for you if you are one of them, seriously.

For me? I'm going to focus on relationships. My relationship with my husband especially... date night once a week is going to be a MUST! I told him today I've never loved him more than I do today, and I really do. After 11.5 years of marriage I am totally and completely attracted to him, I find him incredibly sexy and want to be with him 24/7. I'm always bummed when Monday starts and call him daily to see if by chance he's going to get off early from work so I can spend just an extra hour with him. I still get a thrill when he touches the not so small of my back when I'm cooking dinner. I yearn for his smile and laugh. I find it thrilling when we have those connecting moments... you know, when you totally "get" each other? I love when he let's his guard down at home and is comfortable doing so, acting like a complete fool... oooh, I love it! So anyway, I want to be with my love MORE this year, I can't get enough of the man.

Relationships with old friends is going to have to be up their too... Oh, how I've missed you guys. I'm going to host a lot of "get-togethers" this year... I just want people around me, so be prepared. I want to meet new people this year and "do lunch." So if anyone who reads this blog and lives in the area, I've got a question for you, wanna do lunch? I'm dead serious. Really, I am, let's hang.

Last but not least, my relationship with my kiddies. I am going to spend quality time with them everyday, even if it's just ten minutes, they need that. I want to snuggle up with them and just have a chat... with pictures.

Here's to 2009!